Administration and Management
Workshop for Musicians

Musicians who grow up in Taiwan have a profound background in music education, and their performance and composition acquire worldwide attention. The new art form and market is prosperous development, such as cross-over, small-scale independent music festivals, atypical performance or independent albums. Many musicians are a lack of education in administration and a lack of tools to effectively manage the production process. At the same time, Studio Acht also observes the phenomenon that the current music market and creative thinking have changed dramatically so that musicians hardly have methods to complete their creation. Therefore,Studio Acht hold the Administration and Management Workshop for musicians, composers and administrators is to organize the current contemporary art. In those courses, we hope that musicians establish an effective and administrative concept, solve problems of the production and expense their art spectrum.
2018 Sessions
2018/7/14-15 Taipei
2018/7/28-29 Taichung
2018/8/11-12 Pingtung